Auto Sync™

Set up daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly auto syncs so that Popl digital cards are provisioned or removed automatically via our Azure Active Directory integration.

The Initial Sync

During the initial sync, Popl Teams will create digital business cards for each member with the attribute mappings listed below:

Popl Field

Azure Field


Display Name


Email or (fallback: User principal name)

Job Title

Job title


Company name

Phone Number

Business phone or (fallback: Mobile phone)


Street address, City, State/Province, ZIP or postal code, Country or region

Profile Picture

Profile Picture

If a member's email from the sync is already attached to a Popl digital business card, we will simply invite the existing member instead of creating them. The existing Popl user will get an email invite to join your company on Popl Teams unless you have "Send Email Invites" unchecked.

Future Syncs with Auto Sync™

As your company grows, names, titles, departments, and other member info can change. With any sync after your initial one, Auto Sync™ will automatically update Popl digital cards to correct, up-to-date info without any manual entry.

For example, let's say that Jessica Swift gets a promotion and her title changes from Marketing Manager to Director of Marketing. After a successful daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly auto sync, this title change will instantly reflect on Jessica's digital business card. Syncs can also be run manually by clicking the "Edit Setup" button at any time from the add members page or the integrations tab.

Enabling Auto Sync™

To enable an auto sync option, click on "Edit Setup", then under the group dropdown, see section labeled Choose how often you want to auto sync. Next, pick the cadence you'd like, then click "Save Configuration" to save this setup, or click "Sync Now" to save the configuration and also run a sync at this time.

Use the Overwrite check box options to decide which fields you'd like to update on future syncs, even if those fields have other data in them. For example, if "Job Title" has a value that isn't the same as on the Active Directory side and the checkbox for "Job Title" is set. The next auto sync will overwrite this value with the value on the AD side.

If any issues or questions, please contact us at, we are available nearly 24/7 and will get back to you within 6-8 hours or less.

With 🤍 from Popl.

Last updated