Get Analytics

Use Popl APIs to get view and tap analytics for all digital business cards across a team within a certain time period.

Making Requests

  • Get all view and tap analytics for an entire team, within a provided time range: Get all view and tap records that were collected by any member on a Popl Teams team, between a specific date range.

Query Parameters:

  • start: epoch (ms)

    • The starting date in epoch form for the date range. This parameter is required. This value should be a milliseconds epoch date such as: 1678237877897

  • end: epoch (ms) OPTIONAL

    • The ending date in epoch form for the date range. If no end parameter is passed in, the API will return all leads from the start parameter onward. This value should be a milliseconds epoch date such as: 1678237877897


Understanding the Response

        "memberId": "4822",
        "name": "Jason Alco",
        "email": "",
        "subteam": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-03-09 01:56:20",
        "viewType": "qr_code",
        "activeProfile": "Main Card",
        "linkTitle": "",
        "type": "VIEW",
        "bio": "The mission at Popl is simple: Help professionals network better, using time-saving and lead collection technology",
        "deviceName": ""
        "memberId": "4822",
        "name": "Jason Alvarez-Cohen",
        "email": "",
        "subteam": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-03-09 01:53:26",
        "viewType": "",
        "activeProfile": "LinkedIn Direct",
        "linkTitle": "Calendly",
        "type": "TAP",
        "bio": "The mission at Popl is simple: \nHelp professionals network better using lead-generating and time-saving technology",
        "deviceName": ""

The response is returned as a JSON array of analytics objects which are either taps or views. Each object has the following fields, whether it's a tap or a view:

  • memberId: The id of the member who received the interaction

  • name: The name of the member who received the interaction

  • email: The email of the member who received the interaction

  • subteam: The id of the subteam that the member is on. (if they are not on a subteam, this field is empty.

  • createdAt: When the interaction occurred in readable date/time format

  • activeProfile: The name of the specific card that received the view or tap interaction

  • type: Whether the interaction object was a "TAP" or a "VIEW"

  • bio: The bio of the member who received the interaction

Other fields include viewType, which refers to the type of share that led to the view, linkTitle, which refers to title of the link that was tapped on, and deviceName, which refers to the name of the device (accessory) that led to the view, if the card was shared via a device (accessory)

Check out Popl Teams to instantly create high-converting digital business cards for your team.

If any issues or questions, please contact us at, we are available nearly 24/7 and will get back to you within 6-8 hours or less.

With 🤍 from Popl.

Last updated