Get All Leads

Use Popl APIs to get all leads that were collected by an individual, team, or subteam.


  • Get All Leads: Get all leads that were collected by an individual for a given api key.


    "apikey": "{your_api_key}"

Make sure the call is a POST request and to replace the {your_api_key} with your actual api key provided to you via email from us.


  • Get Last Lead (Team): Get the most recent lead that anyone on your team collected via Popl


    "apikey": "{your_api_key}"

Make sure the call is a POST request and to replace the {your_api_key} with your actual api key provided to you via email from us. Reminder: the api key must be requested by a Popl Teams admin in order for the lead data to be team wide.

  • Get Last Lead (Subteam): Get the most recent lead that anyone on a specific subteam collected via Popl


    "apikey": "{your_api_key}"

Make sure the call is a POST request and to replace the {your_api_key} with your actual api key provided to you via email from us. Reminder: the api key must be requested by a Popl Teams admin in order for the lead data to be team wide.

Last updated